

I help progressive nonprofits and movements to mobilise communities, shift narratives, and force institutional change.

I do this through training, advising, and writing. I work on principles of evidence over anecdote, understandability over complexity, and always-always-always building my service around the needs of the people I’m supporting. This includes the likes of grassroots organisers, NGO staffers, and political candidates.

Europe needs effective changemakers

The status quo that causes rising sea levels, overwhelming social injustice, shrinking civil liberties, and intensifying war has brought misery to many and power to few. That is why I work every day to grow the effectiveness of progressive changemakers in Europe, including myself.

What I bring to the table is different

Over the last ten years, my obsessive curiosity for how we can make change more effectively has taken me into organising groups, educational seminars, protests, and decision-making arenas across Europe. I have an intimate, evidence-based understanding of the people and dynamics that win social change. All three areas of my work (campaigning, training, writing) are designed to spread this.

I bridge civil society and politics

My theory of change takes an ecosystem approach. Transformation requires strong NGOs and independent, radical grassroots movements whose power is translated through democratic institutions via the social fabric. That is why, throughout my activist and professional career, I have stood with one foot in the grassroots and one foot in the institutions, developing a deep understanding of both.

Want to know more?


“Sean was well prepared, enthusiastic and made the training interesting for the group. The feedback from the participants was positive and they went home inspired.”

Ines Kostic | The Animal Politics Foundation, Director

“Sean is brilliant and quickly understood our organization's challenges. He's super reliable, a team worker, and creative, always finding solutions and keeping the joy at work. It was a pleasure working with him.”

Matisse Bonzon | Campaign Accelerator, ex-Head of Operations

“In an interactive workshop for 150 young activists from across Europe, he captivated the audience and even after 3 days of sessions, the participants identified his session as the most valuable to their activism and personal endeavors. I would highly recommend working with Sean!”

Mariana Batista | The Green European Foundation, ex-Senior Project Lead

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